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Top 4 renovation trends for 2015

Laine Gordon avatar
Laine Gordon
- 4 min read
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It is still quite early to be talking about what the big design trends are going to be for 2015.  But if you want to get ahead of the pack, it’s good to know what the trends are now, while it’s still early. This way, if you’re planning on refinancing your home loan in order to fund renovations, you’ll have enough foresight and time to choose the right one. 

Here are some of the big trends that could well take Australian renovations by storm in 2015.

Creating a healthy home

Ensuring the health of everyone living in your property is always at the top of any self-respecting homeowner’s priorities. But traditionally, a healthy lifestyle was ensured through elements like a good diet or regular exercise. 

What people are increasingly cottoning onto is the fact that home design can also play a role in reducing this. A home that’s designed to encourage natural ventilation can get rid of harmful household pollutants like carbon monoxide, lead, or even dust and various volatile organic compounds. The home should be designed to encourage the flow of breezes and convection currents, as well as to limit the encroachment of damp. 

Multigenerational living

There’s no doubt about it – Australians are living longer. For instance, while males and females born in 2001-03 could expect to live to 77.8 and 82.8, respectively, those born in 2010-12 are predicted to live to 79.9 and 84.3 respectively, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. 

At the same time, with the world still in recession and everyone’s savings accounts taking more of a hit, younger people are choosing to stay at home longer. It’s therefore not unusual to see households with three generations all living under the same roof.

Homes which acknowledge these developments and incorporate this fact into their design will be hot property in years to come. For instance, you might future-proof your home by converting a living space into a room for sleeping and with bathroom access. 


Sustainability is hardly a new trend. The idea of making sure every facet of our lives is making the least impact possible on the natural environment and the world’s resources has been increasing in importance. But what with climate change agreements being signed left and right, 2015 may well be the year where sustainability in home design really hits its stride. After all, BCI Economics and FuturArc recently reported that green building principles have become accepted as part of mainstream building.

Sustainability in home design doesn’t simply mean ‘upcycling’, or taking previously unwanted items and putting them to new and ingenious uses. It also involves recycling materials for renovations – for instance, if you want to add a new kitchen countertop or wall, why not make use of salvaged brick, or another type of material that would otherwise go in the junk pile?

Metal is in

While some things never go out of style – is a beautiful marble floor ever going to convey anything but utter class and sophistication, for instance? – some things come into vogue a little bit later than others. This is the case when it comes to metal, which is tipped by many to be one of the big renovation trends of this year. 

Metal is a tough, durable and attractive material that is remarkably versatile – anything from taps to shower floors. Materials like copper, steel or even pewter lend a certain earthy atmosphere to a living space. The key is to avoid materials like stainless steel, which tend to have more of a cold, impersonal feel to them. 

Whatever renovation you decide to go for, just remember to work within a budget. You don’t want to overload your credit card solely to keep up with the Joneses.


This article is over two years old, last updated on February 24, 2015. While RateCity makes best efforts to update every important article regularly, the information in this piece may not be as relevant as it once was. Alternatively, please consider checking recent home loans articles.

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