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Terms of Use for the RateCity website

Last updated 13 January 2025

Terms of Use

In this agreement: 

‘Account’ means a Canstar account or App account. 

‘App’ means any app owned or operated by the Canstar Group.  

‘Canstar Group’ means Canstar Pty Limited ACN 053 646 165 (Authorised Representative No. 443019, Credit Representative No. 538715) (‘Canstar’), Canstar Blue Pty Limited ACN 142 285 434 (‘Canstar Blue’) and RateCity Pty Limited ACN 122 743 542 (Authorised Representative No. 1309869, Credit Representative No. 559684) (‘RateCity’). 

‘Media’ means the Websites, App, Account and any Canstar Group social media outlets. 

‘Websites’ means the Canstar website, Canstar Blue website and the RateCity website. 

Media – use and content

Your use of the Media on each occasion means that you accept the terms and conditions set out on this page and in the Privacy Policy. The Canstar Group (‘we’ and ‘us’) may from time to time change the contents of the Media (including these legal notices) without notice. You should read these terms and conditions carefully before using the Media. The Canstar Group reserves the right to amend, modify, add to or delete any of these terms and conditions from time to time, and those modifications will take effect as soon as they are displayed on the Media. If you do not accept these terms and conditions you must not visit or use the Media.

The information provided in the Media is a guide only and may not be complete for your purposes. The Canstar Group does not warrant the accuracy of any information contained in the Media. Canstar Group recommends that you confirm any product information directly with the product provider before applying for or purchasing any product. Third party product and service information is for information purposes only. 

In many cases, rates indicated are available to new customers only or may include special rates available for a limited time.

Any survey results reflect the survey respondents’ subjective opinions of the product or service under consideration.

If the Canstar Group requests that you stop using the Media, you must immediately comply with that request.

The Canstar Group reserves any legal rights it has which are not expressly stated in these terms and conditions. 

The terms and conditions published on the date you view them on the Websites supersede all prior versions. The other terms and conditions contained in the Privacy Policy and on the Websites also form part of the Canstar Group’s agreement with you. Please read them carefully before proceeding. 

If any provision of these terms and conditions are held to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, the remaining parts of the terms and conditions will be in full force and effect.

Liability disclaimer

Although great care has been taken to ensure the reliability of any statements of opinion or general ratings information provided by the Canstar Group, the Canstar Group gives no warranty in relation to statements and information contained in the Media and subject to the following paragraph, disclaims all liability to the fullest extent possible arising from any persons acting on the information and statements contained therein. The Canstar Group assumes no responsibility or obligation to provide updates on any published statement or report.

Nothing in these terms and conditions shall be construed to exclude, restrict or modify any guarantee applicable to a consumer that may apply under the Australian Consumer Law contained in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (‘Consumer Guarantee’). Where a Consumer Guarantee is not able to be excluded, the Canstar Group’s liability shall be limited at its sole discretion, to supplying the service again, or payment of the costs of having the service supplied again. Subject to the foregoing, the Canstar Group shall have no liability to any user of any of the Media or the information on it, for any reason.

You agree that you use the Media at your own risk and subject to these terms and conditions. 

The Canstar Group assumes no responsibility or obligation to provide updates on any published statement or report. 

Copyright & Links

The Media is owned by the Canstar Group and is subject to copyright. The Media may also contain third party supplied material that is subject to copyright. The Canstar Group takes no responsibility for the use of information provided on the Media. Except as permitted by the Copyright Act 1968, you may not reproduce, transmit, disseminate, sell, or publish information on the Media without prior written permission from the Canstar Group, provided that you may only use the information for your private or internal purposes. You may not use any information obtained or derived from the Media to publicly compare any product or service. You may not disassemble or reverse engineer any element of the Media or information derived from the Media. You may not remove any authorship attribution or copyright notices or similar information on the Media or any information derived from the Media. You must not use any method or process (including data scraping, collection or accumulation tool, robot, spider or scripted responses) for the purpose of obtaining, processing, copying, replicating, distributing, reconfiguring, republishing, viewing, assessing, analysing, modifying or repackaging the Media. 

Reference to any products, services or other information, by trade name, trademark or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, promotion, sponsorship or recommendation of them by the Canstar Group, and does not constitute or imply endorsement, promotion, sponsorship or recommendation of the Canstar Group by the respective trademark owner. You may not copy or use any of the graphics or other elements of any Media (including look and feel) within another website or other medium. You may link to the Media by text link only, and not within a frame in your website. Rates are for information purposes only and must be confirmed with the provider. The Media may contain links to other websites or links to other websites via an affiliated marketing network. Such links do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any material on those linked websites or any third party products and services offered by, from or through those sites.  The Canstar Group is not responsible for and shall not be liable to any party in relation to the use or content of a linked website. You must take your own precautions to ensure that linked websites are free from viruses or other potentially damaging material.

Please refer to RateCity Pty Limited’s Financial Services and Credit Guide (FSCG) for more information.

Any company and product names mentioned on our website are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. If a trademark owner prefers not to have its logo displayed, please let us know at [email protected] and we will change it to plain text.

Supported Browsers

To ensure the best browsing experience, we suggest you use the latest stable and secure version of Safari, Chrome, Edge and Firefox. We do not support Internet Explorer or Huawei devices.  

General Advice Warning

To the extent that any Canstar Group data, ratings or commentary constitutes general advice, this advice has been prepared by Canstar Research AFSL and Australian Credit Licence No. 437917 and does not take into account your individual investment objectives, financial circumstances or needs. Information provided on and available from the Media does not constitute financial, taxation or other professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. Canstar Research recommends that, before you make any financial decision, you seek professional advice from a suitably qualified adviser. Any reference to the past performance of a financial institution or service provider is not necessarily indicative of future performance. A Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination relating to the product should also be obtained and considered before making any decision about whether to acquire the product. Please refer to our Canstar Group Licence Details for more information. 

Our policy in relation to legal threats and demands made against Canstar can be found on our legal threats policy page.

Account usage  

If you open an Account or sign up to use a Canstar Group App, tool or service, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy as part of the account opening or sign-up process. When you agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy, you consent to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of that information as described in the Privacy Policy.

Use of Account data 

Based on your interactions with the Media and where you have opted-in to have an Account we may use and disclose your personal information for the purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy. If you choose to delete your Account, your personal information will be deleted from the Canstar Group database. 

Use of App

The App and your Account are synced. The details you use to sign up for the App are also the details you use to log in to other tools on the Canstar website like the Free Credit Score Tool.

If you have an Account, these same details are used to log in to the App.

If you delete your Account on either the Website or the App, both accounts and data are deleted. 

To turn off all push notifications from the Canstar Group via the App, you can manage your preferences in the Account Settings section of the App.

Free Credit Score Tool 

You will need an Account to obtain your credit score via our free credit score service. 

In order to enable Canstar to obtain your credit score you confirm all of the following:

  1. You have read and agree to these terms and conditions and to Canstar’s Privacy Policy, and Equifax’s Privacy Policy.

  2. You are authorised to provide the personal details required as part of the credit score verification

  3. You consent to your information being checked with the document issuer or Official Record Holder via third party systems for the purpose of confirming your identity. 

  4. You authorise Canstar as access seeker to obtain your credit reporting information from Equifax Australia Information Services and Solutions Pty Limited on your behalf.

  5. You understand that if you sign up to enable Canstar to obtain your credit score, your credit score will be updated in Canstar’s systems every month which will appear as a soft enquiry on your credit report. You understand that if you do not wish for your score to continue to be updated you can cancel your Account with Canstar.

Receiving pricing quotes  

You may be able to receive a pricing quote on a Canstar Group Website and the App for select products. Any prices displayed are current (as provided by the product provider to the Canstar Group) on the day you access the comparison tool on the Website but are subject to change at the provider’s discretion. You should confirm any price with the provider before making a purchase decision.

The Canstar Group does not assess whether a particular product is suitable for you or your individual needs. The Canstar Group’s act of providing the pricing quote to you does not guarantee that you will be able to purchase the product. You will need to meet the provider’s criteria before you are approved for the relevant product. 

Interest rate alert

If you have an Account, you are able to sign up to interest rate alerts via the App. This tool is designed for users who are interested in monitoring rate changes from certain financial institutions. There are limits to the amount of providers per product you can include on your watchlist at any given time. You will only receive alerts for providers that are in your watchlist at the time of their rate change.

The Canstar Group endeavours to collect and update interest rate information for all providers in a timely manner. In the event that there is a delay in updating the interest rates, you may not receive a push notification for a rate change. The Canstar Group does not provide any guarantee that you will receive an interest rate alert for all rate changes for the providers nominated in your provider list.

The providers available on the Canstar Group’s database can vary from time to time. You will be notified if a provider you subscribe to is no longer available to track in the interest rate alerts tool. The Canstar Group does not provide any guarantee that you will be able to receive rate alerts for all financial institutions.

You can add a provider to your watchlist by clicking on the ‘Add to watchlist’ button and selecting your product and providers. You can remove a provider from your watchlist by swiping across to delete, via the provider summary page by clicking ‘Delete this alert’ or by editing your watchlist and unselecting the given provider. 

You can unsubscribe from interest rate alert notifications at any time. Unsubscribing from interest rate alert notifications will not stop you from accessing the tool in the App, only from receiving interest rate alert push notifications to your device. You can do this by turning off notifications on your watchlist page. By doing this you may still receive other notifications from the App. To turn off all push notifications from the Canstar Group, you can manage your preferences in the Account Settings section of the App.

Referral Service

The Website allows users to click on a range of content to be to be transferred to a third party’s website or landing page (‘Third Party Provider’), where you may find more information, complete an application form or request contact from the Third Party Provider about its products and services (‘Referral Service’).

If you do not accept these terms and conditions you must immediately stop use of the Referral Service and not take any further action in relation to that Third Party Provider, which might include progressing to making an application and/or completing an online form in relation to a financial product.

If you choose to use the Referral Service, you agree with the Canstar Group that:

  1. we are referring you to the Third Party Provider for further information about the financial product or service;

  2. we may ask you to provide some information in a form before you are referred to the Third Party Provider. If you choose to provide that information, it will be dealt with in accordance with these terms and conditions;

  3. by clicking an action button (for example ‘Get Quote’,’Visit Site’, ‘Go to Site’, ‘Proceed’, ‘Request a Callback’, ‘Book a Call’), by proceeding to obtain a quote or by completing and submitting an application, in all cases you consent to us providing your personal information and other details in the online form to the Third Party Provider for the purpose of the Third Party Provider providing you with more information about a particular financial product or service;

  4. if you telephone a number shown on the form, you will be telephoning and speaking to employees or agents of the Third Party Provider and not the Canstar Group;

  5. the Third Party Provider is not our employee, contractor or agent, and we will have no liability to you in relation your dealings with the Third Party Provider including any advice or recommendations it may make;

  6. the Third Party Provider may be a financial product provider, selling its own financial product products and services;

  7. you will make all arrangements in relation to services you require from the Third Party Provider and you will be responsible for all fees and charges (if any) payable in relation to any product or service you acquire from the Third Party Provider;

  8. we make no recommendation to you about the skills, expertise or suitability of the Third Party Provider for your purposes. You should consider seeking advice from a qualified financial adviser prior to proceeding;

  9. a Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination relating to the product you are interested in should be obtained and considered before making any decision about whether to acquire the product. Refer to the Third Party Provider’s Financial Services Guide or Credit Guide.

  10. we may contact you to seek your response to a survey in relation to your dealings with the Third Party Provider;

  11. the Canstar Group may receive a fee or other payment in relation to the referral. For more information see How We Get Paid;

  12. you have read and accept the terms of Canstar’s Privacy Policy and these website Terms and Conditions. These terms limit your ability to make a claim against Canstar;

  13. “We” and “us” means the Canstar Group.


From time to time, the Canstar Group may advertise and promote product offers (‘Offers’) from various product providers on the Websites. All Offers are made by the product provider and not by the Canstar Group. 

Each Offer will be for a limited time only and will only be available to eligible applicants. The Canstar Group provides no guarantee that your application will be accepted if you decide to apply for an Offer. 

Terms, conditions, fees, charges and eligibility criteria apply to all Offers (and are available on request by each product provider or via a link to the product provider’s conditions from the Website). Offers may be removed or amended by the product provider or the Canstar Group at any time without notice.

User contributions to Media 

If you post a contribution to any of the Canstar Group’s feedback, blog, comment facilities or forum pages, you agree to the rules set out below (‘Rules’). If you breach the Rules, we may delete the post, suspend your ability to post, or ban you from posting altogether. We may use its absolute discretion when taking action in relation to these rules. The rules apply to anything that you can enter into a field or be published on any Media (e.g. user name, post content, post responses).

Content you cannot post on the Media

  • No abuse, insults, personal attacks or foul language

  • No trolling, inflammatory comments, personal messages or “religious” debates

  • No inappropriate, illegal or defamatory material

  • No advertising goods or services to buy or sell, no business advertising

  • No cross-posting or spamming

  • No content which may contain software viruses;

  • No complaints about content (see below for information about how to make a complaint).

Removal of material

  • The Canstar Group may in its absolute discretion edit or remove any material from the Media at any time, including material you have posted to the Media.

  • In particular (but without limiting our ability to remove other content from the Media) the Canstar Group will remove material that is defamatory, offensive or illegal immediately upon our becoming aware of it.

  • Defamation is where your post lowers or harms the reputation of another person.

  • Illegal posts include anything that encourages illegal conduct or breaks the law in any way e.g. inciting others to attack a product supplier’s website, racial vilification, discriminatory comments on the basis of age, gender, or sexual orientation.

  • Offensive content is anything that you wouldn’t say in front of a prospective employer or your child’s school teacher e.g. sexual references and racist comments. It might not be illegal, but if it is offensive we will remove it. The Canstar Group’s opinion as to what is offensive is final and not open to debate.

  • We take a zero tolerance approach to such posts.


  • The Canstar Group may not moderate or scrutinise every single comment posted to the Media.

  • It does not endorse or necessarily agree with user comments and takes no responsibility for those comments.

  • If you believe that a user comment is inappropriate, please forward a complaint to us at [email protected] setting out

    • where the material is located on the Media,

    • why you consider the material to be inappropriate and

    • your name and contact details.

The Canstar Group takes complaints seriously and we will act upon all complaints received provided that the relevant information has been provided.

If you do not provide your name and contact details with the complaint we may treat it as vexatious and not act on it.

The Canstar Group will acknowledge receipt of each complaint promptly, being within 24 hours (or one business day) of receiving it or as soon as practicable. 

The complaint may be acknowledged verbally or in writing, having regard to the method used by the complainant to lodge their complaint and any preferences they may have expressed  about communication methods. For example, subject to any specific requests made by the complainant, complaints made verbally can be acknowledged verbally, complaints lodged via email can be acknowledged via email, and complaints made on social media can be acknowledged using that platform, provided the complainant’s privacy is protected.


  • The Canstar Group  may post comments or respond to posts from time to time. If we do this, we are not to be taken as endorsing or agreeing with the views of any user.

  • You should not post or provide to the Media any information that you consider to be confidential or proprietary. All information that we receive from you via the Media is deemed not to be confidential.

  • You agree that unless we state otherwise, all communications made to the Media by any means are public;

  • You have no expectation of privacy in relation to posts you make to the Media in any location;

  • You grant to the Canstar Group  a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive worldwide, royalty free, licence to use, copy, sub-licence, distribute, display, reproduce, transmit, modify, edit and otherwise exploit any public communication you make in any Media, in all media and for any purpose.

Customer feedback 

Reviews or comments will not be posted on the Websites if they contain any of the following:

  • Abuse, insults, personal attacks or foul language;

  • Trolling, inflammatory comments, personal messages or “religious” debates;

  • Inappropriate, illegal or defamatory material;

  • Advertising goods or services to buy or sell, no business advertising;

  • Content which may contain software viruses;

  • Misleading or deceptive comments;

  • Illegal content;

  • Irrelevant comments; or 

  • Personally identifiable information.


The Canstar Group does not represent that any information (‘Information’) obtained through any Media or the Websites are free from security issues, including viruses, or anything else that may have a harmful effect on any technology. It is your responsibility to scan Information to ensure that they are safe for your use. 

The Canstar Group will not be liable to you or any other person for any loss or damage (however caused) and whether by negligence or otherwise, which may result directly or indirectly from any such information. To the extent that liability may not be excluded, the Canstar Group’s liability shall be limited (at its choice) to the re-supply of the relevant Information, or the cost of re-supply of the relevant Information.

General Terms and Conditions of Promotions

The following section of the Terms of Use covers all promotions and competitions run by the Canstar Group ("Promoter") on its Websites, App and social media platforms ("General Terms and Conditions"). The information about each specific promotion set out in the relevant Promotion Schedule ("Promotion Schedule") forms part of this agreement. The Promotion Schedules can be found on the Canstar website.

1. The following General Terms & Conditions apply to all competitions, giveaways and promotions (“Promotion/s”) run by the Promoter and each Promotion Schedule is incorporated into and forms a part of the General Terms and Conditions.

2. If a Promotion Schedule applies to a Promotion then for the purposes of that Promotion, these General Terms and Conditions apply subject to the terms of the applicable Promotion Schedule. To the extent of any conflict between these General Terms and Conditions and a Promotion Schedule, the Promotion Schedule will prevail.

3. The Entrant agrees and acknowledges that they have read these General Terms & Conditions and the Promotion Schedule and that entry into the Promotion is deemed to be acceptance of these General Terms & Conditions and the Promotion Schedule.


4. Each Promotion commences and closes at the time and on the date shown in item 1 of the applicable Promotion Schedule (“Promotion Period”). Entries are deemed to be received at the time of receipt by the Promoter and not at the time of transmission or deposit by the entrant. Records of the Promoter are final and conclusive as to the time of receipt.

5. Information on how to enter a Promotion will be set out in item 2 of the applicable Promotion Schedule for each Promotion.

6. No entry fee is charged by the Promoter to enter the Promotion. Where entry is allowed online, there is no additional cost to enter the Promotion other than any cost paid by the entrant to access the website or social media platform of entry via their Internet service provider.

7. If, for any reason, any aspect of this Promotion is not capable of running as planned, including by reason of computer virus, communications network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failure or any cause beyond the control of the Promoter, the Promoter may, in its sole discretion, cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion and invalidate any affected entries, or suspend or modify a prize, subject to State or Territory regulation.

8. The Promoter will not be liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury or death which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person’s negligence or wilful misconduct) in connection with this Promotion or accepting or using any prize (or recommendation), except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).

Entries and Entry Process

9. Each individual who enters into a Promotion on the Website or on Facebook is called an “Entrant.”

10. All Entrants must be Australian residents.

11. Entrants must be at least 18 years of age.

12. Employees of any company in the Canstar Group (including the Promoter), and immediate family members (spouse/partner, children, parents) of employees, are ineligible to participate in any Promotion.

13. Only one entry is permitted per Entrant.

14. The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to validate and verify the authenticity of entries and the details of each Entrant (including an Entrant’s identity, age and place of residence). The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any person for tampering with the entry process. In the event that a winner cannot provide suitable proof as required by the Promoter to validate their entry, the winner will forfeit the prize in whole and no substitute will be offered.

15. The Prize will be awarded to the person named in the entry and any entry that is made on behalf of an entrant or by a third party will be invalid. If there is a dispute as to the identity of an entrant or winner, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the identity of the entrant or winner.

16. A Promotion is not available for use with any other discount, special offer or promotion.

17. To be eligible for a Promotion, and in order to make a valid submission under the Promotion, an Entrant must, during the Promotion Period, meet all of the requirements set out in item 3 (if applicable) of the relevant Promotion Schedule.

Facebook Promotions

18. If a Promotion is being run on Facebook, Entrants who take up the offer to enter the Promotion are taken to agree to these General Terms and Conditions and to the applicable Promotion Schedule. Each Entrant expressly acknowledges that:

a) the promotion is in no way sponsored, promoted, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, and

b) by entering and participating in the Promotion, the Entrant agrees to hold harmless, defend and indemnify Facebook from and against any and all claims, demands, liability, damages or causes of action (however named or described), losses, costs or expenses, with respect to or arising out of or related to:

i. the Entrant’s participation in the Promotion, or

ii. the Entrant’s participation in any Prize related activities, acceptance of a Prize and/or use or misuse of a Prize (including, without limitation, any property loss, damage, personal injury or death caused to any person(s)).

Prizes and Prize Winners

19. The draw will be in relation to one or more prizes (“Prize”).

20. Details of the Prize or Prizes (as applicable) will be set out in item 4 of the Promotion Schedule.

21. The Promoter may, at its discretion, substitute the Prize (or a portion of the Prize) depending on availability, for a similar Prize of equal or greater value subject to any written directions of a regulatory authority.

22. No part of a Prize is exchangeable, redeemable for cash or any other prize, or transferable, unless otherwise specified in writing by the Promoter.

23. Unless otherwise specified, a Prize is a single event for the winner (and where relevant their guests) and cannot be separated into separate events or components.

24. The winner of the Prize (“Prize Winner”) will be selected by a procedure set out in item 5 of the Promotion Schedule for each competition. The selection will take place at the time and date set out in item 5 of the Promotion Schedule.

25. It is a condition of accepting the Prize that the winner (and where relevant their guests) may be required to sign a legal release as determined by the Promoter in its absolute discretion, prior to receiving the Prize.

Personal Information

26. Under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Promoter must tell Entrants when it collects personal information about them and how it plans to use it.

27. If an Entrant chooses to enter or take part in the Promotion, the Entrant may be required to provide the Promoter with personal information such as the Entrant’s name, email address, age and postcode. The Promoter may use this information for future marketing purposes regarding its products, including contacting the Entrant electronically. The Promoter collects personal information about Entrants to enable them to participate in this Promotion and may disclose the Entrants’ personal information to third parties, including its contractors and agents, prize suppliers and service providers, to assist in conducting this Promotion, and to the State and Territory lottery departments as required under the relevant lottery legislation.

28. The Prize Winner will be required to provide the Promoter with the name of the recipient of the Prize and delivery address for the Prize (“Recipient Information”). The Promoter collects participants’ personal information and Recipient Information in order to conduct the Promotion. Canstar’s Privacy Policy applies to the personal information and Recipient Information provided by Entrants.

29. Any personal details provided incorrectly to the Promoter may be deemed by the Promoter as an invalid submission.

30. Throughout the Promotional Period, the Promoter may at their absolute discretion contact some Entrants via email to further discuss the details of that person’s entry. Any contact is not indicative of an Entrant’s standing in the competition, and does in no way indicate whether or not that Entrant has been selected as a Contestant/Finalist/Winner.

31. The Prize Winner will be notified by the email address provided during the Promotion entry process, within 2 business days of being determined.

32. Results may be published on the Promoter’s website or any other publication.

33. Should the Winner not claim their prize within five business days of being notified, the Promoter may, at its discretion, re-determine a new Winner by a random draw which will take place between 8:00am and 5:00pm AEST on the sixth business day at Level 23, 275 George Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000.

34. Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law, the Promoter (including its officers, employees and agents) exclude all liability (including negligence), for any personal injury, or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity) whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the Prize as a result of the Promotion.

35. The Promoter reserves the right at any time to change these General Terms and Conditions, and to change the Promotion Schedule details for each Promotion.

36. All enquiries relating to any Promotion can be directed to [email protected].

37. By entering a Promotion,

  1. You authorise the Canstar Group to provide the Recipient Information to the third party service provider responsible for supply and delivery of the Prize (“Supplier”), and acknowledge that the Recipient Information will be dealt by the Supplier under the terms of its Privacy Policy; and

  2. You are deemed to have accepted these Promotion Terms and Conditions, along with the Conditions of Entry for the relevant Promotion and Canstar’s privacy policy.

38. If applicable, the permit(s) identified in Item 6 of the Promotion Schedule will apply to the Promotion. The conditions of the permit(s) will prevail over these General Terms and Conditions and any Promotion Schedule to the extent of any inconsistency.

39. The additional conditions in Item 7 of the Promotion Schedule (if any) will apply to the Promotion.

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