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Home Loan News

The latest home loans mortgage news and tips

Laine Gordon

Money Editor

Westpac hikes variable mortgages and all key savings accounts

Westpac has today announced it will hike variable rate mortgages by 0.50 percentage points for new and existing customers.

Home Loans

04 Aug, 2022

3 min read

Westpac hikes variable mortgages and all key savings accounts
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Up Bank launches home loans: here's what you need to know

Up Bank has announced it is entering the home loan market, joining the growing number of digital home loan lenders in Australia. Explore how this new loan compares and the benefits and risks of a digital bank.

Home Loans

21 Jul, 2022

3 min read

Up Bank launches home loans: here's what you need to know
Liz Seatter

Senior Finance Writer

CBA hikes home loan rates and some savings accounts by 0.50%

Australia’s largest bank, CBA, is the first of the big four to announce it will pass yesterday’s double cash rate hike onto its variable home loan customers.

Home Loans

06 Jul, 2022

3 min read

CBA hikes home loan rates and some savings accounts by 0.50%
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Pros and cons of NSW's shared home equity scheme

NSW government may help pay 30-40% of the value of properties for frontline workers, single parents, and older single Australians in a new shared equity trial scheme. Let's explore the pros and cons of this scheme.

Home Loans

20 Jun, 2022

6 min read

Pros and cons of NSW's shared home equity scheme
Liz Seatter

Senior Finance Writer

CBA hikes home loan rates and some savings accounts by 0.50%

Australia’s largest bank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, has announced it will pass on yesterday’s full June RBA cash rate hike to its variable home loan customers.

Home Loans

08 Jun, 2022

3 min read

CBA hikes home loan rates and some savings accounts by 0.50%
Laine Gordon

Money Editor

NAB and ANZ play follow the leader hiking for home loans, but staying ‘mum’ on savings accounts

NAB and ANZ have both announced they are passing on the RBA rate hike, in full, to their variable rate mortgage customers, effective 17 June.

Home Loans

08 Jun, 2022

4 min read

NAB and ANZ play follow the leader hiking for home loans, but staying ‘mum’ on savings accounts
Laine Gordon

Money Editor

Westpac matches CBA and ANZ, hiking by 0.25% for variable customers AND hike select savings accounts

Australia’s second largest lender, Westpac, has tonight announced it will pass on the cash rate hike in full to its variable rate mortgage customers, effective 17 May 2022.

Home Loans

03 May, 2022

4 min read

Westpac matches CBA and ANZ, hiking by 0.25% for variable customers AND hike select savings accounts
Liz Seatter

Senior Finance Writer

Alarms bells ring as credit card debt rises for 2nd month in a row

Australia’s total credit card debt has risen for the second month in a row to $17.24 billion, according to new data released today from the RBA.

Home Loans

07 Feb, 2022

2 min read

Alarms bells ring as credit card debt rises for 2nd month in a row
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Neobank 86 400 to combine with UBank

One of the leading neobanks in Australia, 86 400, has today announced the proposal for its acquisition within the NAB family, combining with UBank.

Home Loans

29 Jan, 2021

4 min read

Neobank 86 400 to combine with UBank
Tony Ibrahim

Senior Journalist

Government funded granny flats - what you need to know

Granny flats could be tax exempt in some cases under proposals introduced in this year’s Federal budget, providing yet another incentive for people to hire construction workers and take advantage of a $25,000 government grant.

Home Loans

06 Oct, 2020

3 min read

Government Granny Flat Scheme: How to apply | RateCity
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

Some of the best home loans for owner occupiers in August 2020

You may have noticed that it’s a bit of a weird time to buy property just now, whether as a first home buyer, an upsizer or a downsizer. Lockdown restrictions have affected property supply and demand in different areas, not to mention buyer and seller confidence. Plus, homeowner priorities have been shifting, swinging away from units and apartments and more towards detached housing.

Home Loans

14 Aug, 2020

3 min read

Some of the best home loans for owner occupiers in August 2020
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

How JobTrainer could give you skills to let you buy a home

JobTrainer, coming hot on the heels of JobKeeper, JobSeeker and HomeBuilder, is a government program intended to help new school leavers and those out of work to get the training and qualifications needed to find gainful employment. But could this scheme help you to get the skills needed to boost your income and finally achieve the great Australian dream?

Home Loans

17 Jul, 2020

3 min read

How JobTrainer could give you skills to let you buy a home