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Compare Land Rover car loans and financing options

Find Land Rover car loan options from a wide range of Australian lenders. Compare interest rates, repayments, fees and more to find a Land Rover finance option that best suits your needs.

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Land Rover is a luxury car brand owned by British car manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover. The brand’s origins go back to 1948, when the name ‘Land Rover’ was used by The Rover Company. Land Rover started selling cars in Australia in 1949.

As a luxury car maker that sells SUVs and 4WDs, Land Rover’s customer base tends to be buyers who don’t mind paying a high price for a spacious vehicle that’s equipped to drive in a variety of terrains.

What car models are available from Land Rover?

About Land Rover cars

Land Rover has carved out a niche in the Australian market as a challenger auto maker of luxury SUVs and four-wheel drives. Popular models include:

  • Discovery SE (from $79,550*), a five-door SUV with a four-cylinder 2.0L engine and four-wheel drive
  • Range Rover Vogue SDV8 (from $211,000*), an SUV with a 4.4L diesel engine and eight-speed automatic transmission with ‘dynamic response’ technology
  • Range Rover Vogue Si4 (from $210,000*), a hybrid SUV with ‘sports automatic’ transmission and 4×4 dual range drive
  • Range Rover Vogue Evoque TD4 (from $56,050*), a compact SUV with a six-speed manual gearbox and 4×4 constant drive
  • Range Rover Velar P250 (from $70,061*), a four-wheel drive with a four-cylinder, 2.0L engine
  • Range Rover Sport SD4, (from $95,100*), a sports SUV with 4×4 constant drive and ‘terrain response’ electronics

*Source: www.redbook.com.au

Vehicle information and pricing last updated in February 2019

How can I get a Land Rover car loan?

There are a number of avenues through which a potential buyer can apply for a Land Rover car loan. The first is by securing finance directly through a Land Rover dealer. Keep in mind that although this option may be convenient, seeking finance through a dealer can also come with higher fees and/or interest rates.

Additionally, those looking for a Land Rover car loan could explore other options including the following:

  • Using a car loan comparison website to compare options
  • Applying for a loan through a lender
  • Using a broker to secure a loan

All car loans – including Land Rover car loans – are either secured or unsecured. With a secured car loan, you list an asset (usually the vehicle) as collateral in case you default on the loan. This isn’t necessary for an unsecured car loan; however, unsecured loans tend to come with higher interest rates than secured loans.

How much does a Land Rover car loan cost?


Here are the approximate running costs for three different Land Rover models, based on RACQ category averages:

ModelCategoryCents/kmAverage $ per week
Range Rover Vogue EvoqueSUV Small59.9$172.85
Discovery SESUV Medium71.9$207.31
Range Rover Sport SD4Sports82.7$238.45

Here’s how much a five-year loan will cost for three different Land Rover models if you borrow 100 per cent of the purchase price over five years:

ModelPrice/loanTotal repayments at 6%Total repayments at 8%Total repayments at 10%
Range Rover Vogue Evoque$56,050


Discovery SE$79,550$92,275$96,779$101,412
Range Rover Sport SD4$95,100$110,313$115,697$121,236


Vehicle information and pricing last updated in February 2019

This article was reviewed by Personal Finance Editor Alex Ritchie before it was published as part of RateCity's Fact Check process.

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