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Car Loans Articles

Relevant Car Loans articles and tips

Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

Pros and cons of salary sacrificing to lease a car

Salary sacrifice allows you to pay for a car from your pre-tax income. It reduces your taxable income and total tax outflows. It can be an alternative to taking out a car loan or buying a vehicle outright. If you’re comfortable reducing your take-home income, salary sacrificing to purchase a car can provide significant savings.

Car Loans

07 Nov, 2022

3 min read

Pros and cons of salary sacrificing to lease a car
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

Which are the best 4WD cars in Australia?

Deciding on the best four-wheel drive (4WD) car in Australia is really based on what you need and how you’ll use it.

Car Loans

20 Oct, 2022

6 min read

Which are the best 4WD cars in Australia?
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

How to pay off a car loan early?

Can you save if you pay off your car loan early? How can you manage this, and what should you look out for?

Car Loans

20 Oct, 2022

4 min read

How to pay off a car loan early?
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

Can you put a deposit on a car to hold it?

Some car dealers ask for deposits; others don’t. It’s up to individual car dealers to decide whether to promise to hold on to cars in exchange for deposits.

Car Loans

13 Oct, 2022

2 min read

Can you put a deposit on a car to hold it?
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

Residual value on a car lease

What is the meaning of residual value on a car lease? To help you answer this, you should better understand how to calculate it and its significance.

Car Loans

04 Oct, 2022

4 min read

Residual value on a car lease
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

Why are cars so expensive in Australia?

Most Australians are familiar with having to pay a bit more for some goods and services than they would elsewhere around the world. In the case of cars, this can be partially attributed to the higher cost of importing and manufacturing, but also to tougher regulatory and environmental conditions, as well as taxes and tariffs.

Car Loans

16 Sep, 2022

5 min read

Why are cars so expensive in Australia?
Georgia Brown

Personal Finance Editor

What is an average interest rate for a car loan?

When you’re searching for a car loan, it can be helpful to have an idea of the average interest rate charged by lenders, so you know whether the product you’re considering is competitive.

Car Loans

15 Aug, 2022

4 min read

What is an average interest rate for a car loan?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Can I buy a car that is still on finance?

It’s recommended that you check to see if the vehicle you intend to buy still has financing owing. So, what happens if your ideal car is still on finance? It is still possible to buy a car with financing owing, but it may take a few more steps.

Car Loans

11 Aug, 2022

5 min read

Can I buy a car that is still on finance?
Georgia Brown

Personal Finance Editor

What are the on-road costs for a new car?

Buying a new car can be a big financial commitment that requires careful budgeting. Make sure you’re prepared for all the associated expenses by factoring in unavoidable on-road costs.

Car Loans

29 Jul, 2022

4 min read

What are the on-road costs for a new car?
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

What is the difference between AWD and 4WD cars?

Find out what AWD and 4WD cars are, and why you may want to buy one.

Car Loans

27 Jul, 2022

8 min read

What is the difference between AWD and 4WD cars?
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

Which are the best station wagons in Australia?

Discover the best wagons in Australia based on ANCAP Safety ratings and comparisons by car review sites.

Car Loans

21 Jul, 2022

3 min read

Which are the best station wagons in Australia? | RateCity
Georgia Brown

Personal Finance Editor

How to make money by renting out your car

The costs associated with car ownership can add up over time. So, if you’re not using your vehicle on a daily basis, you may be interested in finding out how you could recoup some of these costs by renting it out.

Car Loans

15 Jul, 2022

4 min read

How to make money by renting out your car