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Superannuation Articles

Relevant Superannuation articles and tips

Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

What is the SMSF Association?

The SMSF Association represents the self-managed super fund sector of Australia. The association works to enhance the knowledge of SMSF professionals and trustees and advocates for the sector in discussions with various stakeholders.


03 May, 2022

3 min read

What is the SMSF Association?
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

What is gainful employment under superannuation regulations?

You can access your super when you reach your preservation age if you’re no longer gainfully employed. And if you’re over 67, you can add to your super again if you’re gainfully employed. So what is considered as gainfully employed for superannuation purposes?


28 Jan, 2022

4 min read

What is gainful employment under superannuation regulations?
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

How to change super funds in Australia

If you’re not getting optimum returns and suitable features from your super fund, you may want to switch to another. So how do you select the right one for you, and how do you change superannuation funds?


11 Jan, 2022

4 min read

How to Change Super Funds
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

Is superannuation payable on termination payments?

If you’re planning to switch jobs or your employment was terminated for any reason, it’s helpful to understand your rights before deciding on next steps. When it comes to whether your employer must pay superannuation on termination payments, the general answer is no.


04 Mar, 2021

4 min read

Superannuation on Termination Payments - Is it payable?
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

How will a recession affect my superannuation?

In a recession, super fund balances may reduce due to investments making a loss and early withdrawal of super benefits by eligible members. Find out what may happen to your super funds in a recession.


26 Feb, 2021

4 min read

How will a recession affect my superannuation? | RateCity
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

What is an employer’s superannuation contribution liability?

All employers are required by law to make certain contributions to their employees’ super funds. These contributions are a percentage of the worker’s wages.


17 Feb, 2021

3 min read

Employer Superannuation Contribution Liability | RateCity
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

How can I claim unpaid superannuation contributions from my employer?

If your employer isn’t contributing to your super fund as required, you can report them to the Australia Taxation Office.


29 Jan, 2021

4 min read

How can I claim unpaid superannuation contributions from my employer?
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

Do you get superannuation while on long service leave?

If you’ve worked for the same employer for many years, you may be due for paid long service leave and you may receive super benefits for your time off. Read on to find out more. 


27 Jan, 2021

2 min read

Do you get superannuation while on long service leave?
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

What your employer should know about superannuation due dates

Employers required to make superannuation guarantee contributions should ensure payments are received by the super fund every quarter by the specified due date. 


27 Jan, 2021

4 min read

Superannuation Payment Due Dates - When are they? | RateCity
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

Do you pay super on leave loading?

If you get annual leave loading, your employer should include it when calculating super guarantee contributions, except when it compensates for lost overtime.


21 Jan, 2021

3 min read

SGC on Leave Loading: How does it work? | RateCity
Georgia Brown

Personal Finance Editor

How do I consolidate my super funds?

If you’re one of the millions of Australians who hold multiple superannuation accounts, you might be ready to move your retirement savings into one place.


26 Oct, 2020

4 min read

How do I consolidate my super funds?

Promoted superannuation products

Art Group Services Limited

Lifecycle Investment - High Growth

  • Promoted
  • Industry
  • Life insurance
  • TPD insurance
  • Income protection insurance

Annual fee at $50k balance


1yr return


product data updated on

Product data updated on 15 Mar 2025