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Home Loans Articles

Learn more about how to manage your personal finances with RateCity's home loan articles, including how-to-guides on comparing home loan interest rates, fees, features and other benefits.

Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Chop $77,000 off your mortgage

Cropping almost five years, and about $77,000, off your home loan may be as simple as increasing your repayment frequency from once per month to fortnightly. But the amount you save will depend entirely on your lender and their method of calculating interest.

Home Loans

28 Jul, 2011

3 min read

Chop $77,000 off your mortgage
Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Falling fixed rates: a sign of what's to come?

A further drop in some fixed interest mortgage rates has fuelled speculation that the Reserve Bank will slash the cash rate when it meets on Tuesday (August 2). But consumers are being urged not to become complacent with debt levels and continue to pay down debt where possible.

Home Loans

25 Jul, 2011

3 min read

Falling fixed rates a sign of what's to come?
Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Property bubble set to burst?

Whether or not you believe the ‘housing bubble’ a) exists, and b) is set to burst,

Home Loans

10 Jul, 2011

2 min read

Property bubble set to burst?
Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Investment property hotspots

As property investors return to the market, the Gold Coast in Queensland and Newcastle in NSW, are emerging as potential hotspots for those looking at an investment loan, according to real estate mogul John McGrath.

Home Loans

09 Jul, 2011

2 min read

Investment property hotspots
Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Government scheme helps property investors

Would the promise of $100,000 paid to you in 10 tax-free annual installments help lure you into investing in property? If the answer is yes, then maybe the government’s National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) is the right home finance service for you.

Home Loans

08 Jul, 2011

2 min read

Government scheme helps property investors
Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Online mortgage wars gather even more steam

Australians are embracing online mortgage products with gusto, resulting in heated competition from lenders for a bigger share of the .com lending market.

Home Loans

06 Jul, 2011

2 min read

Online mortgage wars gather even more steam
Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

First homebuyer alert: How to accelerate your deposit

There are some key ways to give your savings power a boost. Save regularly, not just here and there, make your money work, earn more than you spend and government programs and grants.

Home Loans

06 Jul, 2011

2 min read

First homebuyer alert How to accelerate your deposit
Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Bank gimmicks fail to win new customers

A new report from Loan Market reveals that, in spite of the Big Four banks offering everything from cash incentives to paying competitors’ exit fees, the mortgagees of Australia are largely reluctant to change lenders in their search for the best mortgage.

Home Loans

03 Jul, 2011

2 min read

Bank gimmicks fail to win new customers
Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

$7000 tree change' grant

Residents in Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong are being offered a one-off $7000 payment to uproot for a tree change as part of the NSW government's Regional Relocation Grant. But an embarrassing loophole means that you may only have to move one suburb away to cash in.

Home Loans

30 Jun, 2011

3 min read

$7000 'tree change' grant
Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

The things you should know about your mortgage

With a ban on excessive early exit mortgage fees now in place, borrowers are being urged to take advantage of switching without penalty to find a better deal on their home loans.

Home Loans

30 Jun, 2011

3 min read

The things you should know about your mortgage
Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Be wary of cleverly marketed mortgages

Borrowers are being urged to take caution when signing up to some home loan interest rate promotions, following the launch of several deals last month. While the official cash rate remained steady in May and June, five lenders slashed some of their residential mortgage rates by as much as 45 basis points.

Home Loans

30 Jun, 2011

3 min read

Be wary of cleverly marketed mortgages
Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

To fix or not to fix your home loan rate?

If you're nearing the end of your current mortgage deal or you're looking to buy a new home then planning your finance strategy for the future is no walk in the park, particularly amid rate rise forecasts.

Home Loans

30 Jun, 2011

3 min read

To fix or not to fix your home loan rate?