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Newcastle Permanent home loans
As part of NGM Group, one of Australia’s largest customer-owned banks, Newcastle Permanent has been helping customers with their first homes through to investment properties for 120 years.
In 1903, the Newcastle Permanent Building Society was established to provide the people of Newcastle with stability. Since then, Newcastle Permanent has grown to become one of Australia’s biggest building societies with over 50 branches across NSW. Newcastle Permanent is a building society, which means that instead of having customers, it has members. Being a building society, Newcastle Permanent distribute its profits back to its members by way of lower rates and fewer fees.
Newcastle Permanent has won numerous awards including the Money magazine award for cheapest home loan package in the non-bank category and the Smart Investor Blue Ribbon Award for Building Society of the year.
Personal Finance Editor
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Why choose Newcastle Permanent
Newcastle Permanent Home Loans
Loan amount
Minimum deposit
Loan type & Term
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Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Real Options Home Loan
- Investor
- Variable
- 5% min deposit
- P&I
Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Premium Plus Package Variable Rate
- Investor
- Variable
- 20% min deposit
- P&I
Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Real Deal Home Loan
- Owner Occupied
- Variable
- 20% min deposit
- P&I
Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Real Deal Home Loan
- Owner Occupied
- Variable
- 20% min deposit
- Interest Only
Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Real Deal Home Loan
- Investor
- Variable
- 20% min deposit
- P&I
Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Real Deal Home Loan
- Investor
- Variable
- 20% min deposit
- Interest Only
Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Premium Plus Package Variable Rate
- Owner Occupied
- Variable
- 20% min deposit
- P&I
Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Premium Plus Package Variable Rate
- Owner Occupied
- Variable
- 20% min deposit
- Interest Only
Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Premium Plus Package Variable Rate
- Investor
- Variable
- 20% min deposit
- Interest Only
Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Real Deal Home Loan
- Owner Occupied
- Variable
- 5% min deposit
- P&I
Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Real Deal Home Loan
- Investor
- Variable
- 5% min deposit
- P&I
Australian Credit Licence 238273
Fees & charges apply
Real Deal Home Loan
- Owner Occupied
- Variable
- 10% min deposit
- Interest Only
Home Loans calculator
Use our home loan calculator to see how much you’d have to repay under different borrowing scenarios.
Your estimated mortgage repayments
Total interest
Total repayments
- All calculations are estimates only; they are not guarantees, pre-qualifications or pre-approvals for borrowing. All results are based solely upon the data entered into the calculator.
- It is assumed that data entered into the calculator, including interest rates, do not change for the lifetime of the loan - unless specified.
- The Present Value provided by this calculator is displayed as the amount labelled 'Loan amount'.
- At the end of the interest-only period, the rate may change. For this calculation, rate switches to the current rate.
- The current rate is today’s average big 4 owner occupier advertised discounted variable rate (LVR 80%), unless you have inserted your own rate.
- Interest is calculated by compounding on the same frequency as the repayment selected, i.e. weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
- Months are assumed to be of equal length. However, given some months are longer than others, interest charged may vary depending upon the month.
- One year is assumed to contain exactly 52 weeks or 26 fortnights. Thus each year has 364 days.
- The calculator uses the unrounded repayment to derive the home loan summary line graph and repayment schedule. However, institutions may round repayments to the nearest cent.
- Your final mortgage repayments or borrowing amount will depend on your lender’s eligibility criteria among other factors.
- Calculator does not include the cost of fees or other extra charges.
- Calculator does not account for changes to interest rates over time.
- This calculator is for information purposes only. Any advice is general and has not taken into account your personal circumstances. Consider whether you need financial advice from a qualified adviser.
- After the interest only term ends, your repayments will change based on the current* interest rate. This rate is subject to change. Read our full disclaimer.
Contact a mortgage broker
Newcastle Permanent home loans are available through brokers who can help find the right loan and manage your application at no charge.
Newcastle Permanent customer service
Home loan customers at Newcastle Permanent can contact customer support by calling the hotline, submitting an online enquiry or face-to-face in any of the branches.
In addition to Newcastle Permanent ATMs, loan customers have access to fee free withdrawals at over 3,000 Westpac Group ATMs Australia wide.
✓ Customer service centre (phone)
✓ Mobile app
✓ Branch
How to Apply
Newcastle Permanent provides potential customers with multiple ways of applying for a home loan. This includes calling the bank, filling in an online enquiry form or visiting a branch. Before applying for a home loan it is advisable to think about how much money you could conceivably borrow given your financial situation and income.
You will also need to provide documentation when applying for a home loan. This may include:
- Personal identification material.
- Proof of income – whether you are self-employed or work for an employer.
- Information regarding your current debts, liabilities and assets including any personal or car loans.
About our expert
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^Words such as "top", "best", "cheapest" or "lowest" are not a recommendation or rating of products. This page compares a range of products from selected providers and not all products or providers are included in the comparison. There is no such thing as a 'one- size-fits-all' financial product. The best loan, credit card, superannuation account or bank account for you might not be the best choice for someone else. Before selecting any financial product you should read the fine print carefully, including the product disclosure statement, target market determination fact sheet or terms and conditions document and obtain professional financial advice on whether a product is right for you and your finances.