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Home Loans Articles

Learn more about how to manage your personal finances with RateCity's home loan articles, including how-to-guides on comparing home loan interest rates, fees, features and other benefits.

Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

5 ways to save your home deposit faster

When you’re scraping by to save for your home deposit, the dream can start to feel more like fantasy than reality. RateCity has compiled a list of new and timeless ways you can save your home deposit faster.

Home Loans

09 Oct, 2017

4 min read

5 ways to save your home deposit faster
Nick Bendel

Property & Personal Finance Writer

What is conveyancing?

Conveyancing is the process of transferring legal ownership of a property from one party to another.

Home Loans

29 Sep, 2017

3 min read

What is conveyancing?
Nick Bendel

Property & Personal Finance Writer

Why do banks change interest rates when the cash rate is steady?

Banks, credit unions, building societies and non-bank lenders often take their lead from the Reserve Bank of Australia when making decisions about interest rates.

Home Loans

21 Sep, 2017

2 min read

Why do banks change interest rates when the cash rate is steady?
Nick Bendel

Property & Personal Finance Writer

These 5 home loan traps could cost you massive dollars

Taking out a mortgage can be an intimidating and confusing process – and the banks don’t exactly go out of their way to make it simpler.

Home Loans

14 Sep, 2017

4 min read

These 5 home loan traps could cost you massive dollars
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Hidden fee traps and how you can avoid them

RateCity spoke to Sydney mother of two, Natalie, about how she found herself falling into her banks’ fee traps, and how she’s choosing to break the cycle.

Home Loans

07 Sep, 2017

8 min read

Hidden fee traps and how you can avoid them
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

How can I pay my loan off faster?

Whether you have a home loan, a personal loan or a car loan, it’s likely that you’d prefer your debt to be paid off as soon as possible. The longer you owe money to a bank or lender, the more interest you’ll be charged, until the total cost eventually exceeds any benefits offered by the loan.

Home Loans

05 Sep, 2017

5 min read

How can I pay my loan off faster?
Nick Bendel

Property & Personal Finance Writer

What is APRA?

APRA, or the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority as it is officially known, is the prudential regulator of Australia’s financial services industry.

Home Loans

24 Aug, 2017

1 min read

What is APRA?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

What is a principal and interest home loan?

Home loan repayments are either made on a ‘principal and interest’ basis or they are paid by ‘interest-only’ instalments.

Home Loans

11 Aug, 2017

4 min read

What is a principal and interest home loan?
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

Is it safe to get a home loan with a small lender?

While there are certainly benefits to getting your mortgage from a major bank like Australia’s Big Four, it’s the smaller lenders that tend to offer the more competitive interest rates, fees and charges that give the big banks a run for their money.

Home Loans

09 Aug, 2017

3 min read

Is it safe to get a home loan with a small lender?
Nick Bendel

Property & Personal Finance Writer

Why smaller mortgage lenders often come out on top

Borrowers are doing themselves a disservice if they refuse to at least consider taking out a mortgage with a lender outside the big four banks.

Home Loans

08 Aug, 2017

3 min read

Why smaller mortgage lenders often come out on top
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

The 5 mistakes people make with home loans

A home loan is arguably the most expensive purchase you will make, so you can’t afford to make mistakes. RateCity has compiled a list of the most common miscalculations you can make when choosing a home loan.

Home Loans

22 Jun, 2017

2 min read

The 5 mistakes people make with home loans
Nick Bendel

Property & Personal Finance Writer

Is the cheapest home loan always the best?

We all want to pay as little for our mortgage as possible, but it would be wrong to assume that lower-rate products are automatically better.

Home Loans

22 May, 2017

3 min read

Is the cheapest home loan always the best?