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Credit Score Articles

Articles and information about credit scores

Georgia Brown

Personal Finance Editor

Can Uber Eats & Deliveroo affect your credit score?

Food delivery services can feel like a life saver when the fridge is bare or you’re simply lacking motivation to cook, but can frequent use affect your credit score?

Credit Score

10 Jun, 2023

3 min read

Can Uber Eats & Deliveroo affect your credit score?
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

What doesn’t affect your credit score?

You may be surprised by the information in your credit history that goes towards calculating your credit score. You may be even more surprised by what personal information about you does not affect your credit rating whatsoever.

Credit Score

24 May, 2023

4 min read

What doesn’t affect your credit score?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Will a balance transfer improve your credit score?

When you’re struggling to get on top of your credit card debt, one solution that may offer some financial relief is a balance transfer. However, you may be curious as to how this may affect your credit history and score.

Credit Score

19 May, 2023

4 min read

Will a balance transfer improve your credit score?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Does getting married change your credit score?

Getting married is meant to be one of the happiest times of your life, so it goes without saying the last thing you’ll be thinking about is how your credit score comes into play. But before you walk down the aisle, it may be worth considering the impact on your personal finances and your credit history.

Credit Score

29 Apr, 2023

5 min read

Does getting married change your credit score?
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

What is the earliest age you can get a credit score?

Whether you’re nearing the end of school, or you’re the parent of a child who is considering applying for financial products, understanding the basics of credit scores is essential. Australian credit reports may begin at 18 years old, but there are key things to keep in mind.

Credit Score

23 Apr, 2023

4 min read

What is the earliest age you can get a credit score?
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

What is the difference between your credit score and credit report?

Your credit score is an indicator of your creditworthiness. It is based on the information that goes on your credit report, which, in turn, is an organised view of the information contained in your credit file maintained by various credit bureaus.

Credit Score

06 Apr, 2023

5 min read

What is the difference between your credit score and credit report?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

What has the biggest impact on your credit score?

You’d be surprised just how many of your everyday financial decisions impact your credit history. But which event makes the biggest impact on your credit score?

Credit Score

12 Mar, 2023

4 min read

What has the biggest impact on your credit score?
Georgia Brown

Personal Finance Editor

What is a good credit score?

Whether or not you have a good credit score could mean the difference between borrowing the amount you want on a competitive interest rate and not being approved at all.

Credit Score

01 Mar, 2023

3 min read

What is a good credit score?
Peter Terlato

Personal Finance Editor

How long will I have bad credit?

It can take months or even years to improve your credit score but this doesn't mean that you shouldn't be proactively trying to become a more fiscally responsible individual.

Credit Score

16 Feb, 2023

9 min read

How long will I have bad credit?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Do fines affect your credit rating?

Have you been hit with a fine? You may be curious to know whether a fine will be recorded on your credit history and if it could affect your credit score.

Credit Score

25 Jan, 2023

3 min read

Do fines affect your credit rating?
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

Can debit cards help your credit score?

Unlike credit cards, debit cards don’t involve taking on debt. Debit card transactions, therefore, don’t have any impact on your credit score.

Credit Score

22 Jan, 2023

4 min read

Can debit cards help your credit score?
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

Does refinancing a loan hurt your credit score?

Refinancing your loan can be an effective way to consolidate your debt and reduce your interest costs. But does it affect your credit score?

Credit Score

09 Jan, 2023

3 min read

Does refinancing a loan hurt your credit score?