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Home Loans Articles

Learn more about how to manage your personal finances with RateCity's home loan articles, including how-to-guides on comparing home loan interest rates, fees, features and other benefits.

Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

The fixed versus variable home loan debate

Learn the difference between fixed and variable rate home loans. Make an informed choice regarding what’s better for your situation.

Home Loans

23 Oct, 2023

6 min read

The fixed versus variable home loan debate
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

House Appraisal vs Market Value: how much is your home worth?

What is a property actually worth? The answer may depend on if you were to ask a real estate agent or a valuer working for a mortgage lender.

Home Loans

17 Oct, 2023

6 min read

House Appraisal vs Market Value: how much is your home worth?
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

Heritage home renovations explained

Buying and renovating an older property can be an affordable and satisfying way to improve your quality of life at home, or to add more value to an investment. However, renovating a home old enough to qualify for heritage listing can bring with it a whole set of new complications. Be prepared for extra work and hassle, but also extra satisfaction!

Home Loans

17 Oct, 2023

4 min read

Heritage home renovations explained
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

Are holiday homes a good investment?

Planning to invest in a holiday home? Consider its purpose, pros and cons, and how you can protect your holiday home against damage.

Home Loans

16 Oct, 2023

7 min read

Are holiday homes a good investment?
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

What is rentvesting?

In this article we break down what rentvesting is all about, including what it means, how it works, and its pros and cons.

Home Loans

05 Oct, 2023

9 min read

What is rentvesting?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Which type of home loan is best?

There is no one-size-fits-all best home loan type. In fact, there are several home loan types available to suit a range of homeowners in Australia. 

Home Loans

26 Sep, 2023

5 min read

Which type of home loan is best?
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

Is negative gearing to blame for house unaffordability?

Negative gearing allows investors to claim any losses they incur on an investment property against their personal tax income and is often accused of driving up the price of property by encouraging investors to enter the market. Some economists have called for it to be abolished, and many blame it for Australia’s housing unaffordability.

Home Loans

22 Sep, 2023

6 min read

Is negative gearing to blame for house unaffordability?
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

How to invest in Australian property as a non-resident

Investing in Australian property can often prove lucrative for international investors, thanks to the high-quality lifestyle, and choice of locations. If you want to invest in Australian property, you’ll need to understand the rules and regulations governing non-resident borrowers. Before your application for a non-resident home loan can be approved, the government authorities will evaluate it.

Home Loans

22 Sep, 2023

6 min read

How to invest in Australian property as a non-resident
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Fixed vs variable rates: which is better, and can you have both?

Whether you are buying your first home, refinancing or purchasing an investment property, make sure you compare the best home loans on the market to see if home ownership is a good financial step for you.

Home Loans

22 Sep, 2023

5 min read

Fixed vs variable rates: which is better, and can you have both?
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

What is a mortgage registration fee?

When you buy or refinance a property, there are some extra costs to budget for. As well as covering your lender’s upfront fees, there are government charges to consider, such as the mortgage registration fee, which covers the cost of adding the mortgage on your home to the land titles office in your state or territory.

Home Loans

20 Sep, 2023

4 min read

What is a mortgage registration fee?
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

How to make an offer on a house

Once you’ve been preapproved for a home loan, you can start house-hunting with confidence, knowing your finances are ready. Once you find a property that suits your needs and your budget, you can take the next step and make an offer. But what is the exact process of making an offer on a house, unit, or investment property? 

Home Loans

20 Sep, 2023

7 min read

How to make an offer on a house
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

The benefits of refinancing a home loan

If you’ve been paying off your home loan for some time now, you’ve likely thought about refinancing. After all, the chances that your current home loan is still the best option available for you may not be as high as you think. 

Home Loans

10 Sep, 2023

7 min read

The benefits of refinancing a home loan