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Home Loans Articles

Learn more about how to manage your personal finances with RateCity's home loan articles, including how-to-guides on comparing home loan interest rates, fees, features and other benefits.

Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

Why consider a bridging loan when buying and selling a house

A bridging loan could be helpful when you’re buying a new home and need to sell your current one.

Home Loans

09 Jan, 2023

4 min read

Why consider a bridging loan when buying and selling a house
Peter Terlato

Personal Finance Editor

Can I qualify for a joint home loan if my partner has bad credit?

If you or your partner have bad credit, lenders could potentially reject your joint application on the basis that both applicants are equally liable for the debt, so the overall level of risk must be assessed.

Home Loans

22 Dec, 2022

3 min read

Can I qualify for a joint home loan if my partner has bad credit?
Peter Terlato

Personal Finance Editor

Do first-time home loan applicants qualify for tax benefits?

If you’re a first-time home buyer applying for a home loan, you could qualify for some tax deductions. For example, in some states and territories may be entitled to full exemptions or concessions on stamp duty. Read on to find out what else you might be eligible to receive.

Home Loans

21 Dec, 2022

7 min read

Do first-time home loan applicants qualify for tax benefits?
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

What is the average length of a home loan?

Many Australians start out with a 30-year mortgage, though shorter and longer home loan terms are also available from some lenders. The length of your home loan can affect the cost of your repayments, as well as how much interest you’ll pay.

Home Loans

19 Dec, 2022

4 min read

What is the average length of a home loan?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Is a mortgage a secured or unsecured loan?

A mortgage typically uses the property you are purchasing as collateral against the loan. In the worst-case scenario where you default on your mortgage, the lender may seize the property and sell it to reclaim its lost funds.

Home Loans

19 Dec, 2022

4 min read

Is a mortgage a secured or unsecured loan?
Peter Terlato

Personal Finance Editor

Do mortgage brokers need a consumer credit license?

Anyone who engages in credit activities will generally need an Australian credit licence or authorisation from a credit licensee before starting business, including mortgage brokers.

Home Loans

12 Dec, 2022

3 min read

Do mortgage brokers need a consumer credit license?
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

Can you stop paying the mortgage after a divorce?

If you’re going through a divorce, or have just finalised your separation, you and your former spouse may still be liable to pay your mortgage, so it’s best to discuss this before separating.

Home Loans

05 Dec, 2022

4 min read

Can you stop paying the mortgage after a divorce?
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

Can you transfer a property to a family member for free?

If you’re looking to transfer property ownership between family members, you may wonder if it’s something you can do for free. Certain fees and charges may apply even if you gift the property.

Home Loans

05 Dec, 2022

4 min read

Can you transfer a property to a family member for free?
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

Is it possible to get a personal loan using your home equity?

The equity you build in your house can be used as collateral to borrow money from a home loan lender at a potentially lower rate than a personal loan

Home Loans

30 Nov, 2022

5 min read

Is it possible to get a personal loan using your home equity?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

How to buy an investment property interstate

Most property investors usually start with a property in an area they know well, or at least in the city in which they live. But buying a property investment in another state is also a potential strategic move.

Home Loans

30 Nov, 2022

3 min read

How to buy an investment property interstate
Peter Terlato

Personal Finance Editor

Does the Family Tax Benefit count as income?

The Family Tax Benefit is a two-part government payment designed to assist Australian families with the cost of raising children. It’s important you do not miscalculate your gross family income when applying for, and while receiving, support - you may wind up with a debt to Centrelink.

Home Loans

18 Nov, 2022

3 min read

Does the Family Tax Benefit count as income?
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

How do mortgage deposits work

Understand what lenders expect when it comes to mortgage deposits, and how the deposit you pay will affect your loan.

Home Loans

17 Nov, 2022

3 min read

How do mortgage deposits work