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Home Loans Articles

Learn more about how to manage your personal finances with RateCity's home loan articles, including how-to-guides on comparing home loan interest rates, fees, features and other benefits.

Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

What is a refinance rebate?

Are you feeling the pinch of rising interest rates on your household budget? Refinancing to a lower interest rate could give you room to breathe and possibly earn you a cash rebate in the process!

Home Loans

30 May, 2023

3 min read

What is a refinance rebate?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

What is a mortgage broker and do you need one?

A mortgage broker is a finance professional who helps everyday Australians take out home loans with lenders. If you've ever wondered what is a mortgage broker and what does a mortgage broker do, this guide can help answer all your broker questions.

Home Loans

25 May, 2023

8 min read

What is a mortgage broker and do you need one?
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

What is negative gearing?

Negative gearing refers to when investors can claim a tax deduction when their investments make a loss. While negative gearing offers several potential benefits, there are also risks involved.

Home Loans

24 May, 2023

6 min read

What is negative gearing?
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

What happens to my redraw when I refinance?

Some lenders allow you to make extra repayments on top of your minimum home loan repayments, and a redraw facility allows you to access these funds when you need them for other purposes.

Home Loans

23 May, 2023

3 min read

What happens to my redraw when I refinance?
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor

Can you get a home loan when you’re being paid commissions?

Many Aussie salespeople earn a commission on the products or services they sell, which is calculated as a percentage of the total value of the sales. Commissions can vary for several reasons, such as changing seasonal demand for products or difficulties hitting sales targets.

Home Loans

18 May, 2023

9 min read

Can you get a home loan when you’re being paid commissions?
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

What is a home loan offset account?

Getting a home loan with the right features is one of the simplest ways to reduce your costs in the long term. A mortgage offset account is one feature that could make a huge difference, potentially saving you thousands of dollars per year, and may help you repay your mortgage sooner.

Home Loans

18 May, 2023

6 min read

What is a home loan offset account?
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

Home loan redraw pros and cons

Redraw facilities are a way to access any additional payments you make on your mortgage but are they worth it? Weigh up the pros and cons.

Home Loans

11 May, 2023

7 min read

Home loan redraw pros and cons
Vidhu Bajaj

Personal Finance Writer

Why should you consider paying your mortgage every two weeks?

While many people make mortgage repayments once a month, paying your mortgage every two weeks offers some advantages. Find out why you should consider paying your mortgage fortnightly.

Home Loans

02 May, 2023

5 min read

Why should you consider paying your mortgage every two weeks?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

What happens on home loan settlement day when you refinance?

Settlement is a crucial step in the home loan process, as it provides you with breathing space to know you are satisfied with the new loan. Let’s explore what homeowners need to know about the refinancing process before, during and after settlement. 

Home Loans

28 Apr, 2023

4 min read

What happens on home loan settlement day when you refinance?
Alex Ritchie

Personal Finance Editor

Using a broker to refinance your home loan

A mortgage broker can assist homeowners with the entire refinancing process, from choosing a new lender to helping fill in your application. Let’s explore what you need to know about using a broker to refinance your mortgage.

Home Loans

18 Apr, 2023

4 min read

Using a broker to refinance your home loan
Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

Dealing with a negative mortgage when going through a divorce

Find out your options if you’re dealing with divorce proceedings and your house has a negative equity mortgage.

Home Loans

17 Apr, 2023

6 min read

Dealing with a negative mortgage when going through a divorce
Peter Terlato

Personal Finance Editor

What is Afford Assist?

Saving for a deposit can be incredibly difficult, particularly if you’re battling tough economic conditions, such as soaring inflation, costly real estate values and a pricey rental market. AffordAssist provides an alternative solution.

Home Loans

13 Apr, 2023

5 min read

What is Afford Assist?