
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor


Mark Bristow is RateCity's Home & Personal Finances Editor, and an experienced analyst, researcher, and producer. While primarily focused on Australian mortgage and home loan expertise, he has experience across energy, home and travel insurances. Mark has been a journalist and writer in the financial space for over ten years, previously researching and writing commercial real estate at CoreLogic. In the years since, Mark has worked for the Winning Group, Expedia, and has seen articles published at Lifehacker and Business Insider.

1005 articles written by Mark Bristow

Bank Accounts

New Code of Practice to help improve Australian bank culture

To help restore public trust in Australia’s banking sector following the recent scandals and the Royal Commission, the Australian Banking Association (ABA) is making subscription to a revised Code of Practice a requirement for membership in the organisation.


Mark Bristow -

27 Mar, 2018 -

2 min read

Home Loans

Rise of the property millionaire

If you sold a house in Australia last year, there’s an almost one in six chance that the sale made you a millionaire, according to new research from CoreLogic.


Mark Bristow -

26 Mar, 2018 -

3 min read


Fewer Australians paying extra into super

The number of Australians paying more than the minimum required amount into their superannuation fund has been on the decline in recent years, leaving more Aussies at risk of an unstable retirement, according to Roy Morgan.


Mark Bristow -

22 Mar, 2018 -

3 min read

Home Loans

Suncorp raises home loan rates

Suncorp is the latest Australian bank to increase its interest rates on home and small business loans, in response to increased funding costs as well as regulatory changes.


Mark Bristow -

21 Mar, 2018 -

2 min read

Car Loans

More Aussies considering new cars with alternative fuels

More Australians have made plans to buy a new car this year, according to Roy Morgan. But as well as considering the costs of car loans and financing for their new vehicles a growing number of Aussies are also considering vehicles with alternative fuel supplies.


Mark Bristow -

19 Mar, 2018 -

3 min read

Bank Accounts

App-using bank customers more likely to share the love

Do you mostly do your banking on an app? If you do, you may be more likely to be satisfied with your bank, and more likely to recommend their services to a friend, according to a new study.


Mark Bristow -

03 Mar, 2018 -

2 min read


DIY super making money for the wealthy, leading to losses for battlers

Australians wanting to take a “do it yourself” approach to their superannuation may be better served by a self-managed super fund (SMSF) if they already have healthy retirement savings available, while those with smaller super balances may not get the best returns from a SMSF, according to a new report.


Mark Bristow -

28 Feb, 2018 -

2 min read

Home Loans

Home buyers overlooking property problems

Nearly one in four Australian home buyers has experienced buyer’s remorse after purchasing their property, with a significant percentage overlooking potentially expensive issues when inspecting their property, according to new research from ME Bank.


Mark Bristow -

26 Feb, 2018 -

3 min read


Bank super returns lag behind not-for-profit funds

If your superannuation is held by a bank-owned fund, the value of your retirement savings may not have grown at the same rate as a not-for-profit fund, according to new data.


Mark Bristow -

23 Feb, 2018 -

2 min read

Home Loans

Is your home loan in one of Australia's top performing suburbs?

If you have a mortgage in Cockatoo, Victoria, your investment may be performing well, according to CoreLogic. The town in the Dandenong Ranges has topped the new CoreLogic Top Performing Suburbs Report, based on its consistent capital growth, and leads a strong contingent of Victorian towns and suburbs.


Mark Bristow -

22 Feb, 2018 -

3 min read